Monday, July 16, 2007


Deer hunting.
a sport excercising both brute strenghth and intellect.
ruthless much may say this sport is,
harming the innocent deers and killing them.
but in each and every human hearts and minds,
there is a hunter inside too.
saddistic and ruthless, cunning and merciless.

Deer hunting started out as a simple "game" of cat and mouse between hunter and hunted alike. it soon became a business when deer skin became popular to many and deer meat too.

deer hunting has many forms and methods but one, the stalking method, both smart, precise yet slow in process.

hidden in the bushes,
with trails covered and blended with nature,
the hunter crouch and waits for its prey.

slowly crawling into the midst of the deer herd,
making soft deer grunts,
with proper information gathering and insights,
a deer grunts signifies doe's way of saying come here,
also to call her fawns at feeding time.
It is critical to keep the call soft
as a loud grunt is too aggressive,
scaring them away.

when the deer hears its call,
during the feeding period of mid dawn and dusk,
the deer approaches unknowing of what lies in wait.
savoring the "green" grass with the hunter just beside,
the deer's guard is let down by the grunts that settles and calms.

creeping its way closer to the deer the hunter goes,
but with a strong jab right into the throat,
any call of help is futile,
strong legs the deer has for protection here is just,
impossible to get its way out.
with the jagged knife still deep in the throat,
its now only a matter of time the deer passes,
what help is it to have a 200-pound worth kick and keen senses,
when around the closet kin or those who pretends to be,
the guard is down, senses, ignored,
and the deer, yet another victim of stalking.

like lions,
they eat their young cubs to enforce survival of the fittest.

like squirrels and much rodents,
the closest are the ones that will surely cause the deepest wounds.

soon, its the closest you think they are that will hurt and harm you.
animals alike humans.
let your guard down to the right ones.
but who are the right ones?

life, the most controversal and despicable game to play,
be it fun and innocent,
be it sore and violent,
be it messy or rock-bottom,
the game of life,
whos the best gamer?

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