Saturday, March 31, 2007

The man with thousand faces

The man with thousand faces. Happiness, joy and kindness, positive faces that rules this land. The land known only to a handful. But the truth that lies behind it, Who actually knows? What lies behind the mask of these positiveness, the truth that lies beyond this unbreakable barrier, it still leaves untold.

Kindness begets kindness. Vengence begets vengence.
When then can this land be freed? The land that once prospered, now falls into ruins of hatred and death. The one stoping force that prevents the coming disaster. The tall, thick wall that can never be broken. Have this wall finally fall down upon this land? will the truth be kept away forever and be lost?

Happiness is sad. Sadness is Happy. What purposes does these fronts gift? An image of joy and fun, yet, nothing seems as it seems. Have this land finally devoured himself? Have this land finally give way to the scars and burns of time., Lost in the power of love and time as hatred consumes.

Now this man who bears the burdens of the land. The man with thousand faces.
The kingdom where truth's untold. The place where happiness stays front. This man of thousand faces now speaks of only hope. Kindness spills from this man. Kindness showered to the world, yet, the mask that hides the truth, still acts as the unbreaking force.

This land that's now finally broken. Finally broken free. But one question remain. What can this man do? The man who bears this burden. The man who holds the truth. The man who now rules the land. The man who hides this truth. The man with thousand faces. What can he do?

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