Wednesday, May 09, 2007

good people die early

ever wonder why good people die young?

ren & i were talking about it the other day and i think he's right.

good people are the ones capable of doing things... which means in life, when you're capable, you dont have special (good) treatment but, you get even more special (bad) treatment. more work!!

think about it. if you're good at thinking, you get thrown work and problems to solve,
if you're good at programming, you get thrown software and IT to work with.

thus, good poeple will in turn become overworked and soon and definitely, drive them to their limits and thus, their deaths.

why isit however that the lazy ones and simple ones live longer? (proven in a scientifc test)
could it be that they are less worried and affected by many things?
such as the workload or the need to please.
thus, could it be true that working your mind more will kill you earlier?

hmm. seems like being nice is a bad thing now, you think for the others sakes, think for the best possible solutions and even think about ways of achieving things.

thus, i would say, be selective. be nice to the right ones but bite hard when the ones that tramples goes overboard.

to you: you trampled on my tail. one more inch and i bite. try me.

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