Tuesday, April 03, 2007

As the battle approaches..

The heavy breathing of the men and the dragging of sandels upon the snow are all that we could hear from miles afar. 3000 men set forth to defend the fortress of our empire. But with the dangerous paths ahead, hope's not set high.

sweat rolls down the cheeks freezing almost instantaneously by the chilling winds. But that is the least of our mind's troubles. Ahead lies the battle thats been on going for days. thousands of men killed at the clash of Henne's Borders. The pressure and burdens on our shoulders wears even the lightest armoured soldiers amongst us.

*looking up searching for a glimpse of hope, but, to no avail.* the sun's blocked out by the think snow and the chilling wind pierces the skin. The men were tired and not moved to fight at all.

This war is lost even before it begun. But for the honor of our land, for the peace that we hold dear to. This fight cannot be forgo. If this must be the end of my life, let it be, but for my family, for my kids, for the kingdom! we fight!!!! *roars!!!*

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