Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Ignorance is a bliss

Which is true..

ignorance being a bliss OR ignorance is a trap.

Ignorance is never a good thing as said by many, the greed in people always wanting to know more or have more at times, contradicts the statement,'Ignorance is a bliss' to its very core. How can ignorance be a bliss when the deepest desire in you is to question? how then can ignorance be a bliss if things around you are things you dont understand or not know of?

Better to not know of sth that is bad or better to know sth rather then nothing? Which is the more appropriate way?

The truth always hurts. <- too true i must say. Why seek an answer for a question that you know its gonna sting? thus, does that make ignorance a trap? causing the wild mind to race, in attempt to solve any uncertainty.better to be comforted by the truth or be consumed by not knowing it. which den causes more pain and ease?

Now caught in the middle of knowing or not knowing. :)

1 comment:

Vivien said...

(: dont keep anything to yourself alright. i kn0w whats this post about =p