Monday, April 02, 2007


Men that defied the odds.

Spartacus - ended slavery of the Roman Republic Age, hero of the Third Servile War
Arthur - Founder of the Round Table. Dux and King of both war and peace. Benevolent King of mythical times
Alexander the Great - Greatst conqueror and furthest conquest ever. Men who knew no fear
Thesus - Greek God that fought to defy the very laws of nature.
Gaius Julius Caesar - A tyrant and heavy dictator but a man who dared to challenge the great and mighty. A man who fought who what he believed.
Guan Yu - epitome of loyalty and righteousness, a man willing to sacrifice for friendship and family
Marcus Aurelius - fifth king of the Roman Republic, a man that places principles and justice above all else
Zhuge Liang - smartest warlord in chinese history, for a better future, he dared challenge the king that he held with esteem
Prince Hector of Troy - stood against death and Achilles for duty, family and honor.
King Xiang Yu - Warlord of western chu. a king that threw image away for less bloodshed and friendship
Einstein - genius of all times. man who believed in himself over hardship
Joan of ark - defiant to traditions and commonity. Fought for faith, justice and truth

Great man, minority of life, aim of perfection.

1 comment:

Vivien said...

finally, i saw 2 non-emo posts! ((: